LAB Open is an open access publishing platform which publishes articles and audiovisual materials by the staff, students and partners of the LAB University of Applied Sciences. LAB Open is completely open access, so all publications are free and available to anyone. The platform hosts two individual journals, LAB Pro and LAB RDI Journal, which are published continuously.

LAB Pro publishes articles directed at both the general and professional audiences. The articles are based on the author’s expertise and work conducted at LAB UAS and can include project updates, views on recent developments in teaching or discussion on current topics.

ISSN: 2670-2045

LAB RDI Journal publishes articles presenting the results of LAB UAS RDI activities, such as workplace development projects or projects conducted as part of a student’s Master’s degree. The articles are based on the author’s expertise and work conducted at LAB UAS.

ISSN: 2670-2355

Both journals have their own writing instructions, please see them for further info.