LAB RDI Journal publishes research articles presenting the results of LAB’s RDI activities. In addition, the journal may publish review articles based on LAB’s activities, such as teaching, and their development. The articles are based on the author’s expertise and work conducted at LAB. Articles may be co-written with people outside of LAB.
Please read the instructions carefully before starting the writing process.
Lenght, structure and references
Articles published in LAB RDI Journal must have a research frame with accompanied material. The research is in the main role, and by choosing sources which support the empirical findings the authors show their familiarity with the context and the knowledge base of their topic. Articles are recommended to follow the scientific IMRaD structure (introduction, methods, results, discussion) and must contain a bibliography. The length should be 10 000 – 20 000 characters (incl. spaces, excl. bibliography).
All references used must be cited in-text and listed alphabetically at the end of the article. LAB RDI Journal uses the Harvard name-year system of referencing.
All articles must include a short introductory paragraph consisting of two or three sentences, explaining the purpose and content of the article. Do not use references in the introductory paragraph. Please also add author information at the end of the article, after the references.
If you need more tips for writing, please visit the LAB Guide to Publishing.
Figures and tables
Articles can also contain figures and tables. Tables should be sent as separate Excel files. All other figures are sent in as separate picture files (for example jpeg). Tables and figures are marked with running numbers and their place in the text must be clearly indicated. Picture files should be of high quality, with max. 5MB in size. The name of the photographer should be always be added. Please make sure you have the right to use the picture(s)!
Images and figures need to be provided with text alternatives in order to make their content available to readers who can’t see them. Please do not add images for only decorative purposes. For more information, please see Accessibility.
Article picture is being added to every article by the editorial staff. Should you want to provide the article picture, please prefer photographs.
You can also use AI-generated images. Always mention if the image has been created using AI, and if you have altered the original AI-generated image in any way. PLEASE NOTE! Always read the terms of service and licensing of the AI service you’re using. For example, if you’re not a paid member of Midjourney, you are only permitted to share your images under the CC-BY-NC -license. Please see Midjourney’s terms of service for more information.
LAB Open uses Creative Commons license CC BY-SA by default. This means that anyone can share, copy and edit your publication, as long as they mention the source and share the material with the same license. Please note that the license also applies to images.
Publishing process
The authors represent their own views and are responsible for the content and proofreading of their material. LAB Open holds the right to publish all submitted material, but all responsibility regarding the copyright issues of the article content (e.g. plagiarism, licensing) remains with the authors.
The publishing decision is made after a review of either two members of the publishing board or by other chosen reviewers. The editors may ask for changes to be made in the manuscript before publication, and hold the right to edit the text when necessary. The editorial board also holds the right not to publish submitted material and suggest a more suitable publication forum, if necessary.
Please submit your manuscript (Word document, .doc or .docxt) to the editorial board via email:
The publishing process takes approximately one month.